number theorist names:H
- Andrew Haas
- Philipp Habegger
- Laurent Habsieger
- Yoshitaka Hachimori
- Peter Hackman
- Anna Haensch
- C. Douglas Haessig
- Tom Hagedorn
- Heekyoung Hahn
- Hahn, Sang Geun
- Farshid Hajir
- Lajos Hajdu
- Chris Hall
- Richard Hall
- Sets of Multiples, R.R. Hall, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 118, CUP 1966
- Divisors, Richard R. Hall, Gérald Tenenbaum, Cambridge Tract 90, CUP 2008, Review, Adolf Hildebrand Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (1990), 159-165
- Sean Hallgren
- Emmanuel Hallouin
- Franz Halter-Koch
- An Invitation To Algebraic Numbers And Algebraic Functions, Franz Halter-Koch, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2020, MAA Review by Michael Berg
- Quadratic Irrationals: An Introduction to Classical Number Theory, Franz Halter-Koch, CRC Press 2013
- Non-Unique Factorizations: Algebraic, Combinatorial and Analytic Theory, Alfred Geroldinger and Franz Halter-Koch, Chapman & Hall/CRC 2006
- Ideal Systems, An Introduction to Multiplicative Ideal Theory, Franz Halter-Koch, Vol 211, Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker 1998
- Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference, held in Graz, Austria, August 30-September 5, 1998 Editors: Franz Halter-Koch, Robert F. Tichy
- Immanuel Halupczok
- Karin Halupczok
- Spencer Hamblen
- Samuel Hambleton
- Kyle Hambrook
- Safuat Hamdy
- Alia Hamieh
- William Hammond
- Jaroslav Hančl
- Jonathan Hanke
- Guillaume Hanrot
- Rajinder Jeet Hans-Gill
- Brandon Hanson
- Wolfgang Happle
- Takashi Hara
- Ryotaro Harada
- David Harari
- David Harbater
- Gergely Harcos
- Number Theory, Analysis, and Combinatorics, Proceedings of the Paul Turan Memorial Conference held August 22-26, 2011 in Budapes, Ed. J, Pintz, A. Biró, K. Győry, G. Harcos, M. Simonovits, J. Szabados, De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 2013
- New bounds for automorphic L-functions, PhD thesis, Gergely Harcos, Princeton University 2003
- Günter Harder
- Eisenstein Cohomology for GLN and the Special Values of Rankin-Selberg L-Functions, Anantharam Raghuram, Günter Harder, Annals of Mathematics Studies 203, Princeton University Press, 2019
- The 1-2-3 of Modular Forms, Bruinier, J.H., van der Geer, G., Harder, G., Zagier, D., Springer Universitext 2008
- Kevin Hare
- Glyn Harman
- Prime-Detecting Sieves, Glyn Harman, Princeton University Press 2007
- Metric Number Theory, G. Harman, OUP 1998
- Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums and their Applications in Number Theory, Edited by G.R.H. Greaves, G. Harman, M.N. Huxley, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997
- Ajchara Harnchoowong
- Adam Harper
- Joshua Harrington
- Michael Harris
- Shimura Varieties, Ed. Thomas Haines, Michael Harris, LMS Lecture Notes 457, 2020
- The Perfectoid Concept: Test Case for an Absent Theory, Michael Harris
- Formes Automorphes (II): Le Cas Du Groupe GSp(4), Ed. Jacques Tilouine, Henri Carayol, Michael Harris and Marie-France Vigneras, Astérisque 302, 2005
- Introduction to the Langlands program, reviewed by Michael Harris, Bulletin of the AMS, 41 (2004), 257-266
- The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties, M. Harris, R. Taylor, Annals of Mathematics Studies 151, Princeton University Press, 2001
- Lecture notes on the local Langlands correspondence (Michael Harris)
- Holomorphic Hilbert Modular Forms, Paul Garrett, Wadsworth-Brooks-Cole, 1990, Review, Michael Harris, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 184-195, Errata to the review
- Robert Harron
- William Hart
- FLINT, Fast Library for Number Theory (William Hart and David Harvey)
- Evaluation of the Dedekind Eta Function, PhD thesis, William Hart, Macquarie University 2004
- Urs Hartl
- David Harvey
- Elchin-Hasanalizade
- Yuji Hasegawa
- Ryūta Hashimoto
- Maximilian Hasler
- Mehdi Hassani
- Jeffrey Hatley
- Shin Hattori
- Miriam Hausman
- Elmer Hayashi
- Shuichi Hayashida
- Alan Haynes
- Xiaoguang He
- Roger Heath-Brown
- Arithmetic and Geometry, Ed. Luis Dieulefait, D.R. Heath-Brown, Yu. V. Manin, B. Z. Moroz, Jean-Pierre Wintenberger, CUP 2015
- Roger Heath-Brown (Wikipedia)
- An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Sixth Edition, G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright, Edited by Roger Heath-Brown and Joseph Silverman, Foreward by Andrew Wiles, OUP 2008
- The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, Second Edition, E.C. Titchmarsh, Second edition revised by D. R. Heath-Brown, OUP 1987
- Norbert Hegyvári
- Volker Heiermann
- Dennis Hejhal
- Ola Helenius
- Harald Helfgott
- Yves Hellegouarch
- Peter Hellekalek
- David Helm
- François Hennecart
- Thierry Henocq
- Doug Hensley
- Sebastián Herrero
- Florian Herzig
- Florian Hess
- Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
- Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
- Clemens Heuberger
- Ghaith Hiary
- Haruzo Hida
- Elementary Modular Iwasawa Theory, Haruzo Hida, World Scientific, Series on Number Theory and Its Applications: Volume 16, 2021
- p-Adic Aspects of Modular Forms, Edited by Baskar Balasubramanyam, Haruzo Hida, A. Raghuram, Jacques Tilouine, World Scientific 2016
- Elliptic Curves and Arithmetic Invariants, Haruzo Hida, Springer Monograph in Mathematics, Springer 2013
- Geometric modular forms and elliptic curves, (second edition) Haruzo Hida, World Scientific, 2011, Review by Michael Berg
- Hilbert Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory, Haruzo Hida, OUP 2006
- p-Adic Automorphic Forms on Shimura Varieties, H. Hida, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, 2004
- Modular Forms and Galois Cohomology, H. Hida, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, CUP 2000
- On the Search of Genuine p-adic Modular L-Functions for GL(n), H. Hida, Memoires de la Société Mathématique de France, 1998
- Elementary Theory of L-functions and Eisenstein Series, H. Hida, LMS Lecture Notes 26, CUP 1993, Review, Glenn Stevens, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 67-71
- Titus Hilberdink
- A.J. Hildebrand
- Divisors, Richard R. Hall, Gérald Tenenbaum, Cambridge Tract 90, CUP 2008, Review, Adolf Hildebrand Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (1990), 159-165
- Richard Hill
- Wade Hindes
- Marc Hindry
- Jürgen Hinz
- Noriko Hirata-Kohno
- Michael Hirschhorn
- Markus Hittmeir
- Wei Ho
- Lê Thái Hoàng
- Mark van Hoeij
- IntBasis, a maple package for computing with algebraic curves (Mark van Hoeij)
- Tommy Hofman
- Jerome William Hoffman
- Jeff Hoffstein
- An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography, J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, J.H. Silverman, Undergraduate Text, Springer, August 2008, Errata
- Multiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and Analytic Number Theory, Ed. Solomon Friedberg, Daniel Bump, Dorian Goldfeld, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 75, AMS, Dec 2006
- On some applications of automorphic forms to number theory, Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (1996), 157-175
- Abigail Hoit
- Joshua Holden
- Judy Holdener
- David Holmes
- Andreas Holmstrom
- Roman Holowinsky
- Jeff Hooper
- Azizul Hoque
- Fritz Hörmann
- Ivan Horozov
- Akinari Hoshi
- Bob Hough
- Patrick Hough
- Thomas Houtmann
- Benjamin Howard
- Everett Howe
- John Hsia
- Ming-Lun Hsieh
- Catherine Hsu
- Yong Hu
- Bingrong Huang
- Jingjing Huang
- James Huard
- Annette Huber-Klawitter
- Chris Hughes
- Hui Xue
- Central values of twisted L-functions, PhD thesis, Hui Xue, Columbia University, 2002
- Thomas Hulse
- Peter Humphries
- Joseph Hundley
- Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, Vol. 1, Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 129, 2011
- Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, Vol. 2, Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 130, 2011
- Siegel zeros of Eisenstein series on GL(n), PhD thesis, Joseph Hundley, Columbia University, 2002
- Bao Viet Le Hung
- Pin-Chi Hung
- Werner Hürlimann
- Mumtaz Hussain
- Kevin Hutchinson
- Benjamin Hutz
- Martin Huxley
- Martin Huxley's summary of the New York conference
- Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums and their Applications in Number Theory, Edited by G.R.H. Greaves, G. Harman, M.N. Huxley, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997
- Area, Lattice Points, and Exponential Sums, M.N. Huxley, LMS Monograph 13, OUP 1996 (with errata)
- The Distribution of Prime Numbers, M.N. Huxley, OUP 1972
- Duc Khiem Huynh
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